Kepez church is located in Kepez valley on the road to Pancarlik valley. It is located in an area where we normally stop on the way to the shooting of the pancarlık valley and the pancarlık church on the way to see the sign of the sarıca church on the road. Although the Sarıca church has been restored recently, the church is closed. Sarıca church is located in a slightly high dominated area. While standing in this area, we saw the church of the Virgin Mary and the church of Kepez by following the signs that attracted our attention and we had the chance to see this church by wondering.

Although the Kepez church is connected to the Ortahisar region, if we go from the Ortahisar side, you will have to pass through more difficult roads. If you follow the sarıca church on the Urgup Mustafapasa road, you can reach this church more easily. There are different types of modifications in the Kepez church. Its architectural status consists of columns. There is not much detailed information about the Kepez church.
Cappadocia ChurchesKepez Church Photos