
Urgup Nevsehir

Cappadocia is the part of the Urgup district where it has many different topics such as the geographical situation and historical places to visit.

Ürgüp District Nevşehir

Ürgüp, with its natural beauty and unique history, is one of the most beautiful districts in Cappadocia, drawing thousands of tourists every year. The region is well-developed in terms of transportation, and there are numerous accommodation options available. This charming district caters to different tastes and budgets. Ürgüp is situated to the west of Nevşehir, south of Avanos, and to the west of Kayseri.


Urgup History

Ürgüp stands among the oldest settlements of humanity. Numerous excavation works conducted over the years have revealed remains dating back to the Stone Age in the region. It is presumed that Ürgüp and its surroundings, covered with a glacier, were cleared of ice during volcanic eruptions. Subsequently, many freshwater sources were found in the region, leading to the assumption that thousands of years ago, people settled near these freshwater sources, enhancing the value of the area.

Although human settlement in the region is estimated to date back to the Stone Age, traces have been lost over the years due to physical and human influences. Therefore, providing precise information about Ürgüp's oldest history is not possible.

As we reach the Hittite period, it is known that Cappadocia was an important settlement. During archaeological excavations within the boundaries of Ürgüp, tools used in the Neolithic period, which encompasses this era, have been found. Settlements that started to be used from the Neolithic period have been discovered, and studies have been conducted in these regions.

Underneath houses used during the Byzantine period, underground cities have been reached. These structures were found to have Hellenistic features. Therefore, it was thought to be a region where raids frequently occurred, and the people always needed protection.

In the 1960s, studies revealed numerous artifacts from the Hittites as well as the Phrygian, Roman, and Byzantine civilizations. As people began to prefer settled life, Cappadocia gained even more significance. The region, where vital needs were produced, was also located on trade routes. Therefore, traders from different countries frequently traveled to the region, leading to cultural influences.

In the years after the Common Era, the region also fell under the rule of the Persians. Important remnants of this civilization are found in the region. The Persians' worship of fire and the occurrence of volcanic eruptions in the area contributed to the Persians considering the region sacred.

Following the Persians, the region came under the rule of Macedonia and later entered Roman and Byzantine dominion. Many of the remaining artifacts in the region belong to these periods. It was not only considered a center of trade but also an important religious center. The rock churches in the region are assumed to belong to the religious center of the area. Additionally, there are numerous Roman-era cemeteries in Ürgüp and its surroundings.


Where Does the Name Ürgüp Come From?

The historical research conducted indicates that the name "Ürgüp" originated from the Turkish adaptation of the word "haios," which is one of the region's early names. This name, dating back to the second century, belonged to one of the prominent priests of that period, pronounced as "prokopipos." Over time, with the disappearance of certain suffixes and linguistic transformations, the name evolved into "Ürgüp."

When examining Seljuk sources, you can find the name written as "Prokop" with the pronunciation "Pireküp." There is another settlement located within the borders of modern-day Serbia, also referred to as Ürgüp. The fact that this location is mentioned as "Prokopios" in sources provides significant evidence of a similar linguistic transformation.


Ürgüp Population and Area

Ürgüp is one of the districts of Nevşehir, covering an area of approximately 560 square kilometers. It holds the distinction of being the most populous district of Nevşehir, excluding the central district.

The district center is home to around 23,000 people, and when including the villages, the population of Ürgüp reaches up to 35,000.

Ürgüp boasts a high level of education, with a literacy rate close to 100%. There are 33 schools in the district, equipped with sufficient classrooms and teachers. Technical education is also provided in the district, with approximately 5,500 students receiving education.

The district is home to vocational schools affiliated with three different universities. These schools offer interesting programs such as civil aviation, computer programming, and wine production.


Ürgüp Livelihoods

Ürgüp is one of the districts in Anatolia and exhibits a classic continental climate. During the summer months, there is low humidity with prevailing high temperatures, while winters are quite cold. Additionally, significant temperature variations can occur throughout the day.

Agriculture is a crucial source of income in Ürgüp, where products suitable for a continental climate are cultivated. The variety of crops is relatively low, with a predominant focus on the cultivation of grains and potatoes. Moreover, the region holds a significant place in potato cultivation, making a substantial contribution to meeting Turkey's potato demand. Fruits such as grapes, pears, apricots, and almonds are also grown.

The increasing number of tourists visiting Ürgüp each day contributes to tourism holding a significant place in the district's economic activities. There are numerous tourist establishments in the region, and a considerable portion of the local population is employed in these businesses. Additionally, trade in essential consumer goods and the marketing of artistic works to tourists are common practices.

In the Ürgüp region, there is not a sufficient amount of pastureland, so it cannot be said that animal husbandry is a primary source of livelihood. However, there are families engaged in large-scale livestock farming.


Ürgüp Important Links